Remembering Evilmana and other BBS communities

I recently found an old draft from 2010 on my account with a single word in the body, "Evilmana." I had visited this website hundreds of thousands of times and for some reason when I saw the word I couldn't place the significance. My brain immediately went to the old emulator websites I used to be part of (emuwizards and the like) but Evilmana wasn't that. This site was more special, it's were I met Dano and learned the fundamentals of programming (LUA and PSP games). How could I forget such an important site to my programming skill development?

Emuwizards is still up but reflecting on the death of Hiroshi Yamauchi.

Hiroshi Yamauchi, Who Steered Nintendo to Dominance, Dies at 85. TOKYO — Hiroshi Yamauchi, who transformed his great-grandfather’s playing-card company, Nintendo, into a global video game powerhouse, died on Thursday in Kyoto, Japan. He was 85.

That happened in 2013. BBS sites with specific communities have fallen off since the creation of Reddit and Facebook groups. There's no need in the current generation of the internet to own the community. This reminds me of and but only as a vague memory of communities I once participated in. Fortunately,'s Wayback machine has a couple of snapshots of the glory days. It's too bad flash games don't embed in working order there.

A part of me wants to spend hours/days figuring out how to locally archive these communities for the sake of archival but then what's the point? I suppose I could host the text content on GitHub but is that worth my time? Was any of it worth my time if even now I barely remember their existence after so many years?


John Riselvato
