The Line Between

Last week, an air strike
a television journalist,
in his home [the] thirty-sixth member of the media to die
witness what is happening.

an insurance broker
nearly seventy of his relatives have been killed
The neighborhood leveled.
his sister... [we] don’t know if she’s alive right now,

watch the news
do something,
come back
something new has happened
It repeats itself

after the bombing started,
many thought they might find safety in the south
No water
no potable sources;
she and her family [have] been subsisting on juice.
that was considered a “safe route,”

[the] bombings seemed random
everything started shaking
Couldn’t see anything.
she was still breathing

to be home around family
the sounds of explosions
all day and night
are getting into [her] head


John Riselvato
