Creator of Pen Pinery | Camping | Writing | Fantasy | Languages

Remembering Evilmana and other BBS communities

I recently found an old draft from 2010 on my account with a single word in the body, "Evilmana." I had visited this website hundreds of thousands of times and for some reason when I saw the word I couldn't place the significance. My brain immediately went to the old emulator websites I used to be part of (emuwizards and the like) but Evilmana wasn't that. This site was more special, it's were I met Dano and learned the fundamentals of programming (LUA and PSP games). How could I forget such an important site to my programming skill development? …

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The Line Between

Last week, an air strike
a television journalist,
in his home [the] thirty-sixth member of the media to die
witness what is happening.

an insurance broker
nearly seventy of his relatives have been killed
The neighborhood leveled.
his sister... [we] don’t know if she’s alive right now,

watch the news
do something,
come back
something new has happened
It repeats itself

after the bombing started,
many thought they might find safety in the south
No water
no potable sources;
she and her family [have] been subsisting on juice.
that was considered a “safe route,”

[the] bombings seemed random
everything started …

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Op-ed: Durham Solid Waste Workers on Strike 9/09/2023

Since September 6th sanitation workers have walked off the job in protest in Durham, NC. If your first thought is "they're just asking for a hand out" after hearing this you have an asinine perspective of human worth. The second the strike started these people risked financial well-being as well as potential job security. These folks are oppressed to the point of working two jobs, sleeping in workplace parking lots and forgoing meals. Sanitation work is one of the least desirable positions but without them the backbone of modern society collapse. So I ask people who think this is a …

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John Riselvato

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