Medieval fantasy writer.

We (I) know nothing about Shakespeare

I picked up Othello yesterday and am now pretty fascinated of the time period Shakespeare lived through. I'm not sure how it took me 32 years of life to figure this concept out but England during this period was class based. Lords, Kings and the bunch. What I didn't know until yesterday was people weren't exactly free. You had to have a lord or some kind of connection to the class life else you were homeless or vagabonding. Which apparently was a criminal offense.

So what playwriters and actors had to do was form guides or be part of a …

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Neon Light

Born into darkness, the void I embodied; dank and alone. Oh so alone.

I had no elder or tender care. I had no substance, only the pain of hunger. A cursed place for a cursed body, a survivor and aimless wanderer.

My mind, dimensionless, relies on the repetitiveness of dripping sludge, my only navigation. Far above, from the out of reach rafters, I appreciate its sound. The echos of construction in the never ending distance provides boundaries. Boundaries of the horror, the fear unknown. Then there is touch. but that is a joyless necessities in this grotesque realm. Comfort was …

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The Rain Brought a Gift

A single stone among the ancient walls felt the first drop of the thunderous tempest. The surrounding townsfolk in a forelooming instinct sheltered cattle and belongings as a terrible aching chilled the land. The Gràdgard castle guards had watched fog and downpour engulf the northern mountains in fear. The prophecy of an everlasting darkness was upon them.

The putter-patter approached the village fence that marked the boundary between wilderness and civilization. Even from this distance the sheltered creatures of the woods could hear the the last call horn and the clanking sound of the castle drawbridge retreating into itself. With …

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Ólafur Drȳcræfte

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