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Write on the Money


Alexandrea Lynbrook

Rachel Ingles, an ambitious writer with a penchant for landing in the most bizarre predicaments, never imagined her celebration of a new job would involve a chilling encounter with a dead body. Her insatiable curiosity, coupled with a knack for getting into trouble at every temp job she lands, once again ensnares her in a web of intrigue.

This time, it's at an ATM company where a sinister world of murder and money awaits. But the most unexpected twist? Being forced into a tumultuous partnership with an ex-cop, Blaise "Blaze" Ferrell, she finds infuriatingly crude, disheveled, and maddeningly irresistible.

Her charismatic boss, Josh Tanner, thrusts her into this chaotic alliance, setting Rachel on a path where danger, passion, and dark secrets intertwine. As tensions flare and mysteries unravel, Rachel realizes there's more to this world than meets the eye. Can she trust Blaze, or will their undeniable connection be their undoing?

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