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Where Shadows Whisper


Alexandrea Lynbrook

When Ashley Anders' world is shattered by the sudden death of her husband, she finds herself ensnared in the fine print of his will. Bound by a clause that demands her return to the haunting city of her youth she fled a decade ago, Ashley must confront the shadows from her past or risk losing everything they built. The city she once adored, with its tranquil river and grand estates, now whispers of her darkest days.

As Lisa Jacobson, she was the victim of a brutal attack that splintered her reality, perpetrated by one of the influential Bryantt brothers. Paul, whose cruelty knew no bounds or his brother, Jefferey, Jeff, who lives with the guilt of the same sin. Now, as Ashley, she must navigate the treacherous waters of her former life, keeping her true identity shrouded in secrecy.

But the Bryantt brothers have not forgotten Lisa—or the woman she has become. As Ashley's and the brothers' paths intertwine, a tumultuous storm of emotion and peril erupts. Each encounter threatens to tear away the veil she's carefully constructed. With her new life and the remnants of her old one colliding, Ashley finds herself in a heart-stopping game of deception and desire.

What begins as a fight for control and a quest for vengeance becomes a journey of redemption and passion. As the boundaries between love and hate blur, Ashley must decide how much of her past she can face, and what it truly means to let go. When the whispers that haunt her dreams grow too loud to ignore?

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