Online word count checker


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What is Pen Pinery's Word Count Tool?

Our word count tool provides a swift assessment of characters, words, sentence count, and paragraphs. Additionally, it furnishes insights into your text, such as the general reading level and the average time it takes to read.

In the sidebar, you'll find a compilation of the frequently used keywords in the text. This serves as an excellent resource for pinpointing SEO keyword targets or identifying repetitive writing patterns.

What is the ideal length for my text? Common word counts for:

Blogs and Literature Words
Blog Posts 500-800
Cover Letters 200-400
Flash Fiction 100-1000
Short Stories ~7,500
Novellas ~17,500-50,000
Novels ~50,000-120,000
Essays Number of words
High school 300-1,000
College admission 200-650
Undergraduate college 1,500-5,000
Graduate school admission 500-1,000

Directly track word count with Pen Pinery

When using Pen Pinery to write your next novel, you can also track your word count progress directly from this page once you log-in. Click here for more information about Pen Pinery.

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Most common keywords
  • Add text to generate a list of frequently used keywords.