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The FFmpeg Quick Reference of 100+ Scripts for Video, Audio and Streaming


John Riselvato

A quick reference / cheat sheet of 100+ FFmpeg scripts to quickly get you using FFmpeg for Video editing, Audio Editing and Streaming to Youtube.

Inside You'll Learn
Using a Green screen
Frei0r Filters
Streaming to Youtube
Streaming Webcam
Using Filters with Streaming
Codecs, Formats, Map, chains
Coverting Ogg, FLAC, WAV, MP3
Coverting MOV, MKV, AVI, FLV, WebM, MP4, GIF
Trimming from start and end
Volume, Crossfade, Normalization
Echo, Tempo, Pitch, Sample Rate
Generating Text to Speed and Audio Tone
Low-pass and High-pass filters
Reducing File Size
Segmenting and Concat
Color Normalization
Color Balance
Hue, Saturation, Inverting
RGB shift
Removing Colors
Generating Color Pallets
Multiple Sharpening and blurring
(unsharp, smartblur, Gaussian blur, Box Blur)
Speeding up, slowing down, reversing video
Cropping video
Changing Frame Rate
Change the resolution of Video
Applying Quantization
Removing Duplicate Frames
Stacking videos horizontally and vertically
Flipping Video horizontally and vertically
Rotating Video
Adding subtitles, extracting subtitles, text editing
Adding watermarks
Creating slideshows
Extracting image frames
Generating Solid Colored videos
Datamosh / Glitching
Video Fades
Adding Noise and Static
Randomizing Frames
Common Errors
and so much more!

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