Slipping at the Seams - Micro Fiction

I've been doing some experimenting with writing short scenes as a way to challenge myself. I'm often an overwriter, so I've been trying to work on micro fiction. I'll probably be sharing these often on here, so stay tuned!


“I can’t be there for you if you don’t tell me.” He just stares out into nowhere, saying nothing. I touch his arm. “Aidan.”

He immediately pulls back. “Please, just stop. I’m a burden to you and I’ll only become more of one.”

“You are not a burden. I’m here for you because I’m your friend and I care about you. You hear that? I care about you, and I want you to be okay.”

His eyes begin to well up with tears as he slowly balls up his fists. Quiet sobs escape his lips. “I don’t deserve you or anything that I have in this life. I’m not worthy of any of it. I-I-I need it all stripped away.”

Tears finally trail down his cheeks. I step a little closer, but he steps back. “Don’t come near me. Just don’t! I…I am…” he trails off, soon dropping to his knees and buries his face into his hands.

I kneel beside him, pulling him into my arms as he continues to cry. He tries moving away at first, but I hold him tighter, letting him know that I’m here. No matter how hard he pushes me away, I’ll stay. Slowly, he wraps his arms around me and his tears soak my shirt as he rests his head on my shoulder, but I don’t mind. I just want him to be okay.


