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Putting A Ghost To Rest


Ricky Ginsburg

“Duke couldn’t blink. No words came from his mouth. Finally, he took a long deep breath, but the air in his lungs was frozen. His throat hurt when he swallowed. The more he looked at The Ghost, the more impossible it became to force his gaze in another direction. He’d seen those eyes before. He knew it in a place so deep inside that the feeling was without question. The Ghost wore an expression that no one could ever forget. It was the face of death. Duke Garvey was seeing the eyes of a nightmare from some time long before he was born.”

Duke Garvey, a Jamaican-born detective newly promoted to the 84th Homicide squad in Brooklyn, NY never gave much thought to his Rastafarian upbringing. Yet on his second day as a detective, he meets an aging cop whose father was murdered by a serial killer, and the unsettling encounter triggers the chilling belief in Duke that he was the killer in a past life. Struggling to unravel the truth at the risk of his career and girlfriend, he's drawn deeper into a twisted web of murder and mystery that threatens to consume him.

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