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Ricky Ginsburg

K47 is a robot who is becoming human against his wishes. Unable to complete his programming due to the metamorphosis, the robot finds himself in a battle with an emotion chip, the law, and the very people who stand to profit from his mission. He’ll have his day in court to fight for legal rights for androids, but surviving the challenge may be too much for his system to bear.

The LEU’s purpose was to finalize contracts, pay any outstanding debts, and see to the dispersal of funds to the heirs. For those who could afford the seven-figure price and thousands of dollars of monthly maintenance, it was the perfect way to guarantee their empire would be dealt with in a manner consistent with their desires and lifestyle. Lawyers could interpret a person’s Last Will and Testament as they saw fit. Even a probate judge could rule that a certain statement had several meanings and then choose the one he liked best. An android was a machine with a program. It only had the ability to see issues as either black or white. Gray was not an option.

Until now.

Tags/Genres: #scifi

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