How to write even when you don't want to?

penpinery | last updated December 01, 2023

I'm so tired... but I need to write. Help!

I want to be honest with you. I just finished NaNoWriMo for the 4th time in a row. I even finished a few days early and when that 50k words arrived, I was ready to stop.

I still had a conclusion to finish so I took the remaining days to bullet point my ending for another day to finish.

Today is the last day of NaNoWriMo and I really don't want to write any more but I need to. I want to but at the same time I don't want to.

The fact that NaNoWriMo ends on a Thursday makes it even harder because at my 9-5 job it's the day I have the most meetings. I'm drained to say the least.

So how am I convincing myself to actually write today?

It's going to sound awfully simple and you're going to roll your eyes but through sheer will, I just began writing.

I already have the bullet outline of the ending. I know what I expect from myself, so with each sentence I begin to write the writing becomes easier.

So my advice is get a bulleted list down first. Bullets are easy because there's no pressure, it is just a list.

(And yes I count that list as words added to my overall NaNoWriMo word count.)

Then I take each bullet and add a sentence under it. 10 bullets and 10 sentences but something funny will happen, sometimes a bullet requires 2 or 3 sentences. 

If I look at the bullets as a list I must complete, I will do it. With each bullet down I am closer to finishing what needs to be done.

When there's only 3 bullets left I tell myself that. Two left, I say come on after this one only one left. And when one is left, there's no reason to quit, how could I? 

Then it's over. and I beat my creative resistance.

I take my sentences, format them into a couple of paragraphs and record my word count to NaNoWriMo. 

It only took about 30 minutes and I can proudly say I didn't give up on my goals and seeing how much I wrote it's great to persevere. 

I hope this helps you get over those days when you don't want to write. Even if you only end up writing 10 words or a single sentence, you wrote and did something you didn't want to do. 

If you can do that every day, nothing can stop you from achieving your goals.

If you are still working on your NaNoWriMo project up until the last minute trying to hit that 50k I wish you luck! You can do it, you're almost there! It's worth it.

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