How to use the "Snowflake Method" to write your next novel

penpinery | last updated January 07, 2024

Overcome writer's block and write your novel using the Snowflake Method: 10 steps, character summaries, scene lists, and more.

Writers are always looking for new methods and tips to make the challenge of writing easier. We're constantly looking for new methods that will finally make everything click. We think we found one that you'll love, the "Snowflake Method". This method involves starting with a single sentence and gradually building out the story and characters one step at a time. Similar to how a snowflake grows from a single crystal.

We understand that not every writer will find this method useful, and that's okay. Our goal is to provide a helpful resource for those who are looking for guidance on how to write a novel. Let's try it out!

What is the Snowflake Method?

The "Snowflake Method" is a popular approach to writing that involves breaking down the writing process into a series of steps. The method is named after the way in which a snowflake grows from a single crystal, with each step building upon the previous one to create a complex and beautiful structure. Here are the steps involved in the Snowflake Method:

The Ten Steps of the "Snowflake Method"

  1. Write a one-sentence summary: Start by writing a one-sentence summary of your novel. Answer the question: "What is the essence of your story?"
  2. Expand to a paragraph: Expand your one-sentence summary into a full paragraph that summarizes the entire story, including the ending.
  3. Create character summaries: Create a one-page summary for each of your main characters. This should include their backstory, motivations, and character arc throughout the novel. Start off small.
  4. Expand to a page: Expand your one-paragraph summary into a full page that outlines the major events and scenes of the story.
  5. Create a detailed character chart: Create a detailed chart for each of your main characters that includes their physical description, personality traits, and other relevant details.
  6. Expand to a four-page summary: Expand your one-page summary into a four-page summary that includes more detail and begins to flesh out the story and characters.
  7. Create a scene list: Create a scene list that outlines each scene in the novel and includes a brief summary of what happens in each scene. Hello world building!
  8. Create a narrative summary: Write a narrative summary of each scene in the novel. This should include the main characters, their goals, and the conflict or tension in the scene.
  9. Expand to a full novel outline: Use your scene list and narrative summaries to create a full outline of the novel that includes every major event and scene in the story. We're almost there!
  10. Write your novel: With your outline in hand, you're ready to start writing your novel! Use your detailed plan to guide you through the writing process and stay on track.

What are some ways to use the Snowflake Method?

  • Outline your novel: Use the method to create a detailed outline of your novel before you start writing. This will help you stay organized and focused as you work on the first draft.
  • Refine your plot: Use the method to refine and strengthen your plot as you work on subsequent drafts. This will help you identify and address any weak spots in your story.
  • Develop characters: Use the method to develop your characters and their arcs throughout the novel. This will help you create well-rounded and believable characters that readers will care about.
  • Get unstuck: Use the method to break through writer's block or other creative obstacles. By stepping back and taking a structured approach, you can often find new solutions to problems and get back on track.

Tips for using the Snowflake Method

Here are some helpful tips to keep in mind when using the "Snowflake Method" to write your novel:

  • Be flexible: While the "Snowflake Method" provides a structured approach to writing, it's important to be flexible and adapt the method to your own writing style and process.
  • Don't worry about perfection: Remember that your first attempt at a sentence or paragraph summary is just a starting point. It's okay if it's not perfect or complete. You can refine and revise it as you go.
  • Keep it simple: When creating your detailed outline, try to keep it simple and focused. Don't include every minor detail or subplot. Stick to the main plot and the major events and scenes.
  • Take breaks: Writing a novel can be a long and challenging process. Take breaks when you need them to prevent burnout and maintain your creative energy.
  • Stay organized: As you work through the "Snowflake Method," keep your notes and outlines organized and easily accessible. This will help you stay on track and avoid confusion or frustration.

Tips for using the Snowflake Method with writers block

If you experience writer's block while using the "Snowflake Method," here are some tips that might help you get unstuck:

  • Take a break: Sometimes, all you need is a break to recharge your creative batteries. Step away from your writing for a while and engage in other activities that bring you joy or relaxation.
  • Freewrite: Freewriting can help you generate new ideas and get your creative juices flowing. Set a timer for 10-15 minutes and write whatever comes to mind without stopping to edit or revise.
  • Change your environment: Sometimes, a change of scenery can make all the difference. If you've been working in the same space for a while, try moving to a new location or working outside.
  • Revisit earlier steps: If you're stuck on a later step in the "Snowflake Method," try going back to earlier steps to see if you missed anything or if there are any new ideas to be found.
  • Talk it out: Sometimes, talking to someone else about your ideas can help you see things from a new perspective or generate new ideas. Find a writing partner or a friend who can serve as a sounding board for your ideas.

Remember, writer's block is a common occurrence and can happen to anyone. Don't be too hard on yourself and trust the process. With some time and effort, you'll overcome your writer's block and continue creating.

Using the Snowflake Method in action!

The "Snowflake Method" can help us develop a mysterious fiction work, but we'll only be delving into the first three steps. Step four marks the beginning of novel writing and soon you wont be able to stop!

Step 1: Write a One-Sentence Summary

A recent graduate receives a mysterious letter in the mail, offering him a job.

Step 2: Expand to a beginning, middle and end

In the small town of Millfield, recent graduate James is struggling to find a job to pay off his student loans. He spends his days sending out resumes and going on interviews, but to no avail. One day, he receives a mysterious letter in the mail, offering him a job. The letter doesn't say who the job is with or what it entails, but the salary is more than he could ever imagine. James decides to take the job and is whisked away to a remote location. However, he soon realizes that something is not right. The other employees are secretive, and the work they are doing is not what he signed up for. As he tries to uncover the truth, James discovers a horrifying secret that could put his life in danger. He must race against time to escape before it's too late. The novel reaches its climax as James faces one disaster after another, culminating in a heart-pounding finale that will leave readers on the edge of their seats. In the end, James escapes and returns home, but he is forever changed by his experiences, haunted by the memory of what he discovered at that mysterious job.

Step 3: Expand on the main character

  • The character's name: James
  • A one-sentence summary of the character's storyline: James, a recent graduate, receives a mysterious job offer that takes him on a dangerous journey to uncover a horrifying secret.
  • The character's motivation: James is motivated by a desire to pay off his student loans and find a fulfilling career.
  • The character's goal: James's concrete goal is to take the job offered in the mysterious letter to achieve financial stability.
  • The character's conflict: James's conflict arises when he realizes that the job is not what he signed up for, and he is trapped in a remote location with secretive colleagues who are involved in a dangerous conspiracy.
  • The character's epiphany: James's epiphany is that sometimes the pursuit of financial security and fulfillment can come at a dangerous cost. He learns to trust his instincts and not let his desperation cloud his judgment.
  • A one-paragraph summary of the character's storyline: James is a recent graduate struggling to find a job when he receives a mysterious job offer promising financial security beyond his wildest dreams. Despite the lack of details in the letter, he accepts the offer and finds himself whisked away to a remote location. As he uncovers the dangerous truth behind the job, James must fight to escape and avoid the clutches of his malevolent colleagues. In the end, James emerges as a changed person, having learned that the pursuit of wealth and success can come with a dangerous cost.

In just three easy steps using the "Snowflake Method", we were able to create a plot for a mysterious fiction novel with minimal effort. Step one and two helped us identify the story's main idea, and step three made us develop the story's characters and their motives. By following these steps, we are now well on our way to writing a novel.

Want to learn more about the Snowflake Method? Check out the original author, Randy Ingermanson, at!

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