A compilation of public domain books shared on Pen Pinery. We neither own nor receive any compensation for archiving these books on Pen Pinery. If you're the author of a book we've posted, please contact us, and we'll promptly move the book to your account. https://penpinery.com/page/contact_us/

Public Domain Reading

A majority of the books archived on this account are direct links from Standard Ebooks. It's this fantastic project where volunteers work together to create top-notch ebooks of classic literature that are totally free and accessible to everyone.

What's really cool is that they put a ton of effort into making sure each ebook is super polished. Each digital book is beautifully formatted text and contain stunning cover art. Plus, they only use material that's in the public domain, so there are no copyright restrictions to worry about.

So if you're ever in the mood for some quality reading …

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The Vault

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