'Lo, ev'ryone! Name's Mar. I am a transmasculine writer of adult-oriented stories who plans on formally self-publishing in the future, but right now, I publish on Inkitt. I have an AO3 account that I used to rely on for my original work, but today, it only has a single finished work and the others are all samples/previews. As of December 2022, I have finished four stories! All of them are either science-fantasy, supernatural, or paranormal and all have a romance in them despite not being of the romance genre.

Day 18: Man, I suck at this

Truly. I do.

'Lo, ev'ryone! I know it's weird to have posts on both Ream and here but that's just some weird thing I unconsciously decided on. Subconsciously. Whichever.

As you can see, I've broken the 22.7k mark on Human and am still...not doing anything for WTMSR or its worldbuilding. Very sad, much disappoint. I thought the latter would be easy but OH WELL. Life sucks. ๐Ÿ™ƒ I have less than two weeks left and still about 50k words or more to get out. Sigh...

I need to get back to work so! Here's back to work... ๐Ÿ™ƒ๐Ÿ™ƒ


I'm a big fat liar

Well, I'm already really fat, so I'm more like...a really big fat liar. ๐Ÿ˜จ

'Lo, ev'ryone! It's been a rather productive day! I've said that I didn't do anything but that's because...I haven't gotten out anything NEW. UNTIL TODAY!!! I can now happily update my writing progress with 498 words for a NEW CHAPTER!! WHOO HOO! ๐Ÿ˜ Oh, and that's new words on top of the 22.2k I've had for a while, as I've been rewriting Human in the meantime...

I also apologize for not following my schedule yesterday and posting the raw ideas for the witch story! โ€ฆ

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Day 14: Dots...

More like ellipses but that's being pedantic... ๐Ÿ˜•

'Lo, ev'ryone. I...haven't written anything these past two weeks. โ˜น That's just it in a nutshell. I can only hope the next two and some weeks are better, but I don't have high hopes considering my track record.

...well, the April Writing Challenge hasn't been productive, BUT! I have been working tirelessly on Ream Stories, my tier benefits, and other such behind-the-scenes things for my "author" life. ๐Ÿ™‚... I guess that's something to smile about? Not cheers or anything, but...eh. I'll take what I can get, I guess.

I made a schedule โ€ฆ

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Day 7: Progress Zero

'Lo, ev'ryone! Yes, I know it's technically day eight, but shhhhh. ๐Ÿคซ It's bleeding 2AM here, okay? As far as my mind thinks, it's still Sunday! ๐Ÿ˜ต

All kidding aside, I haven't had much luck with anything in the past four days. Everything's come to a halt. I'm very unhappy and feel quite...useless. I KNOW I KNOW, it's just after the first week of April. It's not the end of the world. But I'm just...tired of being unproductive.

I've been making covers, updating all of my old stories with new ones. I'm trying extremely hard not to just unload all โ€ฆ

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Day 3: Out the window?

It's just the damned third day of April and already my plans may be out the window. ๐Ÿคฆ๐Ÿพโ€โ™‚๏ธ

I meant to only worldbuild for my story and world, When the Moon Shines Red and Hallowed Ground. I was really excited for it, too, but. After three days of staring aimlessly at blank documents and sheets of paper, I have come to realize the best way to possibly make any progress with the damned story that is When the Moon Shines Red is to actually attempt to write it. ๐Ÿ˜• As in make a draft. Or try to.


I really โ€ฆ

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Story intentions: April - June '24

'Lo, ev'ryone! April starts tomorrow and I have some intentions to make for it, May, and June. These are only intentions, nothing set in stone, unfortunately. When July comes around, I'll do the same thing, methinks...

So! Here are my plans for the next three months as far as what I'll work on...


Starting tomorrow, I will work on finishing Human and worldbuild for my new erotic romance, When the Moon Shines Red! I am so excited about this possible novella! ๐Ÿ˜ I've hyped myself up quite a bit, so I hope to get many more than just 5k โ€ฆ

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Made a new cover for a new OID!

'Lo, ev'ryone! I have started the invention of a new OID (original story)! Based off of a dream I had a few weeks ago, it is about witches, paranormal shenanigans, and rrrrromance! Possibly erotica. Possibly. ๐Ÿ˜ Aaaaanyway, it is the FIRST NEW OID OF 2024!! WHOOO! ๐ŸŽ‰

It's about bleeding time. ๐Ÿคจ

I am considering working on an entire info document for it, and it specifically, during April alongside the 4th rewrite of Human. ๐Ÿค” I can't be trusted to just work on one thing a month. I need...uh. Backup. Yeah, backup. ๐Ÿ˜…

ANYWAY, here's the Imgur link to the โ€ฆ

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I am...HERE! | Introduction

'Lo, ev'ryone! I'm glad to be here, this looks like a site I can get behind! ๐Ÿฅฐ Well. With all that's going on with NaNoWriMo as well as my own life, I want to go back to blogging as I once did. Thus, some blog entries may crosspost to my main blog(s), too.

For starters, I am trying (emphasis on trying) to finish the second novel in my Human Shed Skin series of paranormal/paranormal romance stories, Human. In case anyone is interested, the story takes place five years after book one, Inhuman, and is an adult โ€ฆ

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Mar Qaroll

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