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Forged In Flames: Brass Hearts : Part One


Jaz Pate

"The Divine is my shepherd; I shall not want. Under the Covenant's watchful gaze, I lack nothing, for its providence sustains me in abundance." - Scrolls of Aurelius Chapter 21 Verse 1

Step into the country of Veridalia, where the grip of the Divine Covenant tightens over a land rife with secrets and strife. In this gripping dystopian drama, a society where a theocratic rule stifles individuality and freedom begins to yearn for more.

When Lenna, a devout follower of the Covenant, is abducted by the insidious Reapers Syndicate, Johanna's fragile peace is shattered by the arrival of a mysterious man and an unusual storm. This sets into motion a chain of events that will alter the course of each of their lives forever.

Against the backdrop of an oppressive regime that condemns magic and non-human races, these two unlikely heroines forge alliances that defy convention and test the boundaries of loyalty.

'Forged in Flames' delves into themes of identity, rebellion, and the price of freedom, offering readers a thrilling journey through a world where the right thing isn’t the safe thing. With its richly drawn characters and pulse-pounding narrative, this tale of drama, romance, and adventure will captivate fans of dystopian fiction and epic fantasy alike. Join Johanna and Lenna on a quest for truth and liberation in a world where the embers of revolution have begun to spark.

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