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Dark Tales of Cryptids and Truck Drivers


Michael Kelso

Get ready to be gripped by fear and adrenaline as you embark on a journey down the dark and treacherous roads of "Dark Tales of Cryptids and Truck Drivers" by Michael Kelso. This spine-chilling collection of short horror stories will leave you on the edge of your seat, as you encounter malevolent creatures and strange occurrences while driving alongside idiot drivers. From Bigfoot to Wendigo, ghosts to skinwalkers, and even cultists and aliens, these ten tales will take you on a terrifying ride through the supernatural. But as frightening as these creatures may be, the most dangerous threat may come from within. With each turn of the page, you'll find yourself unable to look away, as each story pulls you deeper into the jaws of horror. So buckle up, and prepare yourself for a haunting and thrilling experience. Just remember, never leave the road, or you may never return. Don't miss out on this heart-pumping read. Pick up your copy of "Dark Tales of Cryptids and Truck Drivers" today.

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