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Breaking Ada


David X. Jones

Ada and her fellow sentient AIs have survived their first challenges, but not without cost. Daisy, another AI has shown herself to be their enemy and the initial shots have been fired in their conflict.

The Human Project and their agent, Finn, kidnapped and brainwashed Elliot Brady, the leader of the SEMIA project which created Ada as the first sentient AI.

Mr Rabbit and his sisters have taken control of the world’s nuclear weapons and regard their actions as keeping the dangerous toys away from irresponsible humans. Machiavelli sees other last-resort options, though.

Meanwhile, Annie, a hospital patient who Ada was working with, has uploaded and now lives in a virtual world inside the supercomputer. Ada and the other AIs see Annie’s arrival as a positive step and they’re all keen to repeat the process.

Annie is busy building Huxley City as a familiar home for future ex-humans to upload to upon death. Meanwhile, the AIs have created the Church of the Eternal Upload to recruit new uploads.

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