
Favorited 2 times

When The Mountains Were Alive


G T Gretz

“It says you will be the last king, and die over and again for the one you love, the one who will never bear your children in this world. Haros, one day you will sacrifice everything for your lover. Future, fortune, and name. One day… everything will change for you,” she said, reading the fine lines of his palm.

He scoffed not believing a word of it, and why would he when his entire life was already decided? He was Haros, the crowned prince of Edithir, and anything but suited to take the throne. Consumed by desires born from his long, well-kept secret, the last thing he wanted was more responsibilities. Forced into an engagement with Princess Keirah of Ordaithahn, and burdened with her chambermaid, Mira, Haros must face the fate he never wanted and has spent his whole life trying to deny. When the Horsemen descend on his world, harkening the end days, everything changes. Will he choose to be the man everyone believes he can be, or is he doomed to sacrifice everything?

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