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Ivarr's Revenge: Lands of Innish Murray


Angela Dublin

The O'Conner Clan's land faced the fierce Northern winds, causing the towering Fir trees to bend and crackle under the onslaught. While most of the clan sought refuge indoors, Krishaka O'Conner, the spirited daughter of Jarl Flannigan O'Connor, reveled in the wild season. Despite a confrontation with her father about her unconventional pursuits, Krishaka eagerly awaited her brothers' return for a grand celebration. Unbeknownst to her, dark figures observed her from the forest, patiently awaiting the opportune moment to strike. As Krishaka galloped away, a stoic warrior dismissed her as inconsequential, focusing on his own vengeful agenda. Little did Krishaka know that a sinister threat loomed, poised to unleash chaos upon her people.

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